Emergency Victory Garden Workshops
This past March, Cyclone Freddy wreaked havoc on southern Malawi impacting many of the communities where Face-to-Face works. As rain continued to fall throughout the month, almost half of the country was faced with damage from the storm.
- Malawi experienced the equivalent of 3.5 feet of rain in 4 straight days.
- Over 1,200 people have died.
- Thousands of homes toppled.
- More than 650,000 people are displaced and living in camps.
- 2.2 million people lost their crops which were a month away from harvest.
Because victory gardens are remarkably resilient and easier to repair if damaged, many families are relying on their gardens as food becomes scarce and income is needed. If F2F can continue to act quickly, we can help villagers turn this tragedy into an opportunity to embrace a holistic strategy that gives them food for today, income for tomorrow, and a safety net for the future.